Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend of Fun in the Wind, Rain, & Sun! Sponsored by Vamps Eyewear

Emily Boll wearing Vamps Brujas
1st place Women's Relay
Waterfront Sprint Triathlon 2011

"My Fun Weekend in the Wind, Rain, and Sun!"

3/25 Friday - Rest Day. Cruised around my Vamps Tabithas and went to tan at the beach.

3/26 Saturday - Swam 2K at Kaimana & Rode 60 miles to Kailua back to Waikiki. Wore my Vamps Brujas in the wind and rain! Great protection!

3/27 Sunday - Ran from Nuuanu, to Manoa, to Kaimuki, to Diamond Head, back to Waikiki. Kept the sun out of my eyes with my awesome Brujas.

- Emily Boll
Competitive Triathlete
Owner of Boot Camp Hawaii
"Be Healthy, Be Fit, Be You!"

Dark Tortoise





Wednesday, March 23, 2011

10% off Nutrition Services - March National Nutrition Month""

"March is National Nutrition Month... which means it's time for all of us to reassess our diet and how it can improve our long-term health, energy, performance and more.

To help you do that, Christina Carran of Carran Nutrition and Fitness is extending an additional 10% discount to Boot Camp Hawaii members only on ANY nutrition service purchased during March 2011.

These include: nutrition assessments, one-on-one consulting, weekly diet plans, grocery store tours, "cabinet cleanses" and more. Visit or contact Christina at for more details. Happy Eating!"

Check out details at our Nutrition Services page.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Think Green" - St. Patty's Day Workout!

"Think Green" - St. Patty's Day Workout
45 minutes total
Materials - free weights, long driveway or path

Warm up - Do 3 set so each pair of drills

A. Leprechaun Run - 25 yds (High Knee Running)
Easy jog back - 25 yds

B. Rainbow Jacks - 40 reps (Jumping Jacks with big arms!)
Squats - 20 reps

C. Potato Presses - 15 reps (Overhead Shoulder Press)
Plank w/Knee Pull - 30 sec. (make sure your butt is lined up with your shoulders!)

Set 1 - (30 seconds of work to 10 seconds rest) x 4 rounds

1. Pot of Gold Jumps - (Side Hopping Lunges)
2. Kiss Me I'm Irish Push-ups - (On the way down, kiss your baby, a pillow, or cell phone)
3. Leprechaun Run - (High Knee Running in place)
4. St. Patrick Plank - (alternate lifting your arms straight ahead of you, while holding plank)

Repeat Warm Up

Set 2 - (30 second of work to 10 seconds rest) x 4 rounds

1. Green and Gold Lunges - (Plyometric Lunges)
2. Lucky Arm Raises - (alternating front and side arm raises w/weights)
3. Power Rainbow Jacks - (jumping jacks with a low squat in between each jump)
4. Celtic Cross Arm Lifts - (lie down on your belly, with rapid speed, lift straight arms up and down from the side of your body, your body should be in a cross shape)

Repeat Warm Up

Cool Down -
Do your favorite stretches to this beautiful and relaxing Celtic Harp music. It's 4 minutes long, so choose 4 stretches x 2 sides (right and left). Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

Happy St. Patty's Day!
- Boot Camp Hawaii

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New! Custom-Cut Scoop T-shirts! $10 off

(Shown above: color - Eggplant, cut - Double Side, size: medium)

New! Boot Camp Hawaii Custom-Cut Scoop T-shirts!

On Sale Now!

Order yours today and get $10 off, when you purchase a BCH t-shirt w/cut!

Offer expires - April 15, 2011 (sizes sell out fast!)

(Shown above: color - Fuschia, cut - A-Sym, size: medium)

Check out our colors, prints, and different cute custom-cuts here!

"Be Healthy, Be Fit, Be You!"
- emily

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New! Boot Camp Hawaii Referral Program!

Post on Facebook and Twitter!

Aloha Boot Camp Hawaii and Friends!

Boot Camp Hawaii is expanding and we have been adding new classes to our existing schedule! It is because of your enthusiasm for exercise and hard work at getting healthy this year, that I want to reward you with some incentives to invite your friends to join in on the fun!

NEW Referral Program!

For every new friend you refer to Boot Camp Hawaii by May 14, 2011, you'll get $25 credit into your BCH account! For every 4th friend you refer, you'll get a free BCH t-shirt! Maximum $100 credit. In order for you to receive the credit, each friend needs to fill out (2) online health forms and then create an online account to before coming to their first class*.

Tell your friends to use this promo code: BOOTCAMP5 to redeem 5-day Boot Camp Class for free!

Sample incentives:
1 friend = $25 credit
2 friends = $50 credit
3 friends = $75 credit
4 friends = $100 credit and free t-shirt!

*Here are the 2 forms for your friends to fill out:
1. Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (online)
2. Exercise History Questionnaire (online) - make sure they type your name as their referral so you get the credit!
3. Here is the link to create their online account

Instructions on receiving your Referral Credit:
1. First share with friends, facebook, post a blog, & invite your friends to come to classes
2. Send them the forms to fill out & have them create an online account
3. Send Emily a confirmation email that forms have been filled out & the date your friend will come to class
4. After your friend attends his/her first class, you’ll receive a confirmation email stating you have $$ in your account!


Q: What can you use your credit toward?
A: - your next month’s bill

- fitness classes, nutrition workshops, cooking classes, corporate classes

- Boot Camp Hawaii gift certificates for friends and family

- t-shirts and custom cuts

- save it for a membership renewal or fitness challenge

- credits are non-transferable

Q: How long is the credit good for?
A: It's good forever, as long as Boot Camp Hawaii is in business! That's where you come in!

Q: Who is considered to be a “new friend” of Boot Camp Hawaii?
A: Great question! “New friends” are friends, family, co-workers, etc. who are not currently active or enrolled in Boot Camp Hawaii classes and/or programs. For example, friends who only drop-in from time to time, but do not have a monthly membership, qualify! Also, friends who used to come to Boot Camp, but have not for a while, qualify! Lastly, of course brand new friends of Boot Camp Hawaii.

Have fun with your friends and family. Share the gift of health this year!

- Emily Boll
Owner, Boot Camp Hawaii

Friday, March 4, 2011

Flash Flood Friday! - Workout

Flash Flood Friday!
A little rain might be able to keep us indoors, but it certainly can't keep us down! Throw on your favorite tunes or morning news show to get a boot-camp-worthy upper body burn with this add-on:

Warm-up: 5min jump rope or jumping jacks

For 1minute each without rest, complete 1..1-2..1-2-3..1-2-3-4... (36-40min)

1. Lawnmower (single-arm row w/rotation)
2. Rotating chest fly (pinkies in up top)
3. Single-arm tricep dip (knees bent, leg opposite working arm extended, other arm rests at side)
4. Static bicep pulse (small pulses at parallel)
5. Plank push-up to row (traditional push-up with alternating neutral row at top of movement)
6. Plank alternating reverse fly (palms in, soft bend in elbow)
7. Alternating front and lateral raise (one arm straight out in front, other straight out at side; switch)
8. Plank push-up (elbow to hands; switch leads half way)

Plyometric Tabatas: 20sec on, 10sec rest (rotate through each and repeat 6 times for 9-10min)

1. Single-arm woodchop (or dumbbell swing)
2. Plyometric push-up (push-up with hands propelling away from ground, try incline or on knees)
3. Clean & press (upright row, drop under hands into squat and propel up to standing with weights overhead)

Always make sure to cool-down and stretch afterwards, but hopefully this will get those sexy-arm juices flowing this Friday, indoors or not! When you get done, we'd love to hear how it goes; so please share :)

Happy Friday!
Love, Christina and Em :)