Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Think Green" - St. Patty's Day Workout!

"Think Green" - St. Patty's Day Workout
45 minutes total
Materials - free weights, long driveway or path

Warm up - Do 3 set so each pair of drills

A. Leprechaun Run - 25 yds (High Knee Running)
Easy jog back - 25 yds

B. Rainbow Jacks - 40 reps (Jumping Jacks with big arms!)
Squats - 20 reps

C. Potato Presses - 15 reps (Overhead Shoulder Press)
Plank w/Knee Pull - 30 sec. (make sure your butt is lined up with your shoulders!)

Set 1 - (30 seconds of work to 10 seconds rest) x 4 rounds

1. Pot of Gold Jumps - (Side Hopping Lunges)
2. Kiss Me I'm Irish Push-ups - (On the way down, kiss your baby, a pillow, or cell phone)
3. Leprechaun Run - (High Knee Running in place)
4. St. Patrick Plank - (alternate lifting your arms straight ahead of you, while holding plank)

Repeat Warm Up

Set 2 - (30 second of work to 10 seconds rest) x 4 rounds

1. Green and Gold Lunges - (Plyometric Lunges)
2. Lucky Arm Raises - (alternating front and side arm raises w/weights)
3. Power Rainbow Jacks - (jumping jacks with a low squat in between each jump)
4. Celtic Cross Arm Lifts - (lie down on your belly, with rapid speed, lift straight arms up and down from the side of your body, your body should be in a cross shape)

Repeat Warm Up

Cool Down -
Do your favorite stretches to this beautiful and relaxing Celtic Harp music. It's 4 minutes long, so choose 4 stretches x 2 sides (right and left). Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

Happy St. Patty's Day!
- Boot Camp Hawaii

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