Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tabatas: 20-20-20 by Christina Carran

Tabatas: 20-20-20
by Christina Carran
Boot Camp Hawaii Coach

20-20-20 means 20 minutes strength, 20 minutes cardio, 20 minutes core. So you'll find that each set of exercises hits all 3 strength, cardio, core!

Tabatas means 20 seconds of high intensity and 10 seconds of rest. Traditional tabatas go for a total of 8 rounds, but this version challenges you with the time interval, but changes it up with a variety of 20-20-20 exercises.

Warm-up: 10 reps of each

- Squats
- Deadlift
- Bent Over Row
- Bicep Curl
- French Press (Overhead Tricep Press)
- Incline Push Up
- Lateral Raises w/Overhead Press
- V-Sit Ups

Tabata Set 1 - perform 3 rounds of each exercise (20:10 x 3) then move to the next one
1. scorpion pushup (from forearm plank and use tricetps to push yourself to high plank)
2. pike hop or pike jump
3. V-sit ups or tuck-ups

Tabata Set 2 - perform 3 rounds of each exercise (20:10 x 3) then move to the next one
1. split jumps (plyo-lunges)
2. high knee skip
3. extended crunches (arms back and legs straight)

Tabata Set 3 - perform 4 rounds of each exercise (20:10 x 4) then move to the next one
1. 1-leg bent-over row (2 sets on each side)
2. rollerbladers (long hopping side to side)
3. scissors (beginners: elbows down, advanced: arms straight back overhead)

Tabata Set 4 - perform 3-4 rounds of each exercise (20:10 x 4) then move to the next one
1. incline or decline pushups
2. mountain climbers (advanced: with a twist)
3. decline step-through (hold a decline plank and step leg under the opposite side of body)

Cool Down and Stretch - hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds each
- hamstrings
- glutes
- calves
- spinal twist
- upward dog
- shoulders
- back
- triceps

"Be Healthy, Be Fit, Be You!"

(Alyssa, Christina, Emily)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

TRX, Core, Running, Strength Workout

Alyssa, Christina, & Emily. Photo by Kris Labang of On3 Photography

Aloha Boot Camp Hawaii Friends!

Here is a workout that will give you a little of everything in just 4 stations. TRX - gives you stability and functional fitness, CORE - gives you that range of motion in your hips and little bit of plyometrics, RUNNING - gives you that burst of energy that you need to push your heart rate and take your cardiovascular threshold to the next level, STRENGTH - gives you good old resistance training with a little bit of a cardio push in between.

Happy Training!

What you should look like after the workout!

4 minutes each station
Rest: 30 seconds of rest between each station
Goal: Try to complete 2-3 full rounds at each station in 4 minutes

- complete all 4 stations 1 time
- complete all 4 stations 2 times
- complete all 4 stations 2-3 times, no 30 sec. rest


15 squats
10 pushups
8 tricep presses

Core (12 each)
Lizard Pulls (on each side)

100 m sprint (80% effort)
100 m easy jog (50% effort)
(shoot for 4 rounds in 4 minutes)

Strength (15 each)
Bicep Curls
Tricep Pushups
Back Flys
Shoulder Press
Sprint 15 yds between each exercise

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday Flash Flood Indoor Workout

Dear Boot Campers,
Sorry for the last minute cancellation, this is pretty much what we did this morning in Boot Camp class. Turn on your favorite pandora workout station, pour yourself a cold glass of water, turn the fan on, and work your heart out!!!

- emily

Wednesday Flash Flood Indoor Workout
60 minutes
Strength & Cardio Intensive

Warm-up (repeat set 2x) - goal: Work slowly, warm up core temperature, low-moderate intensity
30 jumping jacks
20 squats
30 jumping jacks
20 full sit ups
30 jumping jacks
20 bicep w/overhead press

Flash Flood Time Challenge #1
(4 rounds total)
30 sec. high jumps
10 sec. rest
30 sec. push-ups
10 sec. rest

Flash Flood Time Challenge #2
(4 minutes total, as many times through as you can)
- 6 power cleans with right arm (hold 1 weight in R arm, squat and press, while lifting arm straight overhead)
- 6 power cleans with left arm
- 6 divebomber push-ups or tricep push ups (can be on your knees)

Boot Camp Blast Out
Do the following 6 exercises and complete 30, 40, or 50 repetitions of each exercise before moving on to the next.
1. supermans
2. walking lunges with weight overhead (30, 40, or 50 total)
3. seated reverse flys
4. box jumps or step ups w/weights (30, 40, or 50 total)
5. 1-arm back rows (hold 1 weight, do 30, 40, or 50 on each side)
6. V-sit ups or Tuck-ups

Cool Down and stretch (hold 30 sec. each)
- lie on back, stretch hamstrings, both sides
- spinal twist on both sides
- hug both knees into chest

- child's pose
- seated shoulder stretch, both sides
- seated tricep stretch, both sides

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend of Fun in the Wind, Rain, & Sun! Sponsored by Vamps Eyewear

Emily Boll wearing Vamps Brujas
1st place Women's Relay
Waterfront Sprint Triathlon 2011

"My Fun Weekend in the Wind, Rain, and Sun!"

3/25 Friday - Rest Day. Cruised around my Vamps Tabithas and went to tan at the beach.

3/26 Saturday - Swam 2K at Kaimana & Rode 60 miles to Kailua back to Waikiki. Wore my Vamps Brujas in the wind and rain! Great protection!

3/27 Sunday - Ran from Nuuanu, to Manoa, to Kaimuki, to Diamond Head, back to Waikiki. Kept the sun out of my eyes with my awesome Brujas.

- Emily Boll
Competitive Triathlete
Owner of Boot Camp Hawaii
"Be Healthy, Be Fit, Be You!"

Dark Tortoise





Wednesday, March 23, 2011

10% off Nutrition Services - March National Nutrition Month""

"March is National Nutrition Month... which means it's time for all of us to reassess our diet and how it can improve our long-term health, energy, performance and more.

To help you do that, Christina Carran of Carran Nutrition and Fitness is extending an additional 10% discount to Boot Camp Hawaii members only on ANY nutrition service purchased during March 2011.

These include: nutrition assessments, one-on-one consulting, weekly diet plans, grocery store tours, "cabinet cleanses" and more. Visit or contact Christina at for more details. Happy Eating!"

Check out details at our Nutrition Services page.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Think Green" - St. Patty's Day Workout!

"Think Green" - St. Patty's Day Workout
45 minutes total
Materials - free weights, long driveway or path

Warm up - Do 3 set so each pair of drills

A. Leprechaun Run - 25 yds (High Knee Running)
Easy jog back - 25 yds

B. Rainbow Jacks - 40 reps (Jumping Jacks with big arms!)
Squats - 20 reps

C. Potato Presses - 15 reps (Overhead Shoulder Press)
Plank w/Knee Pull - 30 sec. (make sure your butt is lined up with your shoulders!)

Set 1 - (30 seconds of work to 10 seconds rest) x 4 rounds

1. Pot of Gold Jumps - (Side Hopping Lunges)
2. Kiss Me I'm Irish Push-ups - (On the way down, kiss your baby, a pillow, or cell phone)
3. Leprechaun Run - (High Knee Running in place)
4. St. Patrick Plank - (alternate lifting your arms straight ahead of you, while holding plank)

Repeat Warm Up

Set 2 - (30 second of work to 10 seconds rest) x 4 rounds

1. Green and Gold Lunges - (Plyometric Lunges)
2. Lucky Arm Raises - (alternating front and side arm raises w/weights)
3. Power Rainbow Jacks - (jumping jacks with a low squat in between each jump)
4. Celtic Cross Arm Lifts - (lie down on your belly, with rapid speed, lift straight arms up and down from the side of your body, your body should be in a cross shape)

Repeat Warm Up

Cool Down -
Do your favorite stretches to this beautiful and relaxing Celtic Harp music. It's 4 minutes long, so choose 4 stretches x 2 sides (right and left). Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

Happy St. Patty's Day!
- Boot Camp Hawaii

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New! Custom-Cut Scoop T-shirts! $10 off

(Shown above: color - Eggplant, cut - Double Side, size: medium)

New! Boot Camp Hawaii Custom-Cut Scoop T-shirts!

On Sale Now!

Order yours today and get $10 off, when you purchase a BCH t-shirt w/cut!

Offer expires - April 15, 2011 (sizes sell out fast!)

(Shown above: color - Fuschia, cut - A-Sym, size: medium)

Check out our colors, prints, and different cute custom-cuts here!

"Be Healthy, Be Fit, Be You!"
- emily