Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sunday Core and Strength Circuit

(Straight body Push ups)

Do this final exercise on Sunday while everyone is still asleep in bed in their Post-Christmas food comas. You'll feel rejuvenated and refreshed before the week begins!

Let me know how you did! Post your comments :)

Core Workout:
Warm up: walk/jog 10minutes
20 crunches
20 oblique twist L
20 obliques twist R
20 double knee crunches

Low Back:
20 supermans (full body) 30 sec. plank (hold max effort)
20 supermans extending each side, opposite arm/leg 30 sec. plank (hold max effort)

Repeat Abs and Low Back again

Circuit Stations: Total Body Workout
1. (15) squats w/shoulder press (w/weights) and
(15) squats as fast as you can
2. (15) side plank L and (15) side plank R
3. (15) push-ups (15) chest flys
4. (15) supermans (arms only) and (15) supermans (legs only)

Repeat Circuit 3 - 4 times

*Optional: Cardio Interval - walk/jog for 15 - 30 minutes

Cool Down and Stretch 10 min.

Boot Camp "Holiday Hotness" Workout

This workout is compliments of Alyssa Hozack, our awesome Boot Camp Hawaii trainer of Killer Core, Apple Bottom, and 20-20-20 Boot Camp classes! Next to her is Colin Hozack, her hubby.

Holiday Hotness Workout

Total Time: 60 mins.

Materials Needed: dumbbells 8 – 20 lbs.

Warm-Up & Dynamic Stretch: 10 minutes

Round 1: (repeat 3 times total)

1. alternating forward lunges - 15

2. squats - 10

3. step-ups with knee raise – 15 each leg

4. box jumps – 10

Sprint 50 yds or Easy jog 50 yds

Round 2: (repeat 2 times total with weights)

1. alternating forward lunges - 15

2. squats - 10

3. step-ups with knee raise and shoulder press – 15 each leg

4. box jumps – 10 (no weights)

Sprint 50 yds or Easy jog 50 yds

Round 3: (repeat 1 time total with weights)

1. alternating forward lunges - 20

2. squats - 15

3. step-ups with knee raise and shoulder press – 20 each leg

4. box jumps – 15 (no weights)

Sprint 50 yds or Easy jog 50 yds

Cool Down and Stretch

Christmas Eve Boot Camp Workout

(Side knee plank on knees)

Christmas Eve Boot Camp Workout!
December 24, 2010
Total time: 38 minutes (do a pre- or post-jog for 20 minutes and make it an whole hour!)

Part 1: High Intensity Interval
35 seconds work: 10 seconds rest
6 rounds total (18 minutes total)

1. Sumo Squat (hold weights on shoulders)

2. Sumo Push-Ups (straight body or on knees)

3. Jump Lunges (jump and lift arms while in the air)

4. Back Rows (TRX or bent over with free weights)

Part 2: Belly Buster
50 seconds work: 10 seconds rest
5 rounds total (20 minutes total)

1. bicycle crunches

2. side knee plank R & L (straight legs or on knees)

3. alternating toe touches (straight legs or bent knee)

4. double knee crunch


Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Flash Flood Boot Camp Workout

Sorry Boot Campers about the crazy weather this weekend! Nevertheless, our workouts must go on! Here is a great workout that lets you attack your muscles to the deepest fibers, while not having to pound on your joints!

- Boot Camp Hawaii

"High Intensity, Low Impact"

warm up - dynamic stretches (10 min)

Squat hold and shoulder presses - 3 sets of 15

(sit in a low squat and hold thighs parallel to ground,

weighted shoulder presses, don't move legs!)

Lunge hold and bicep curls - 2 sets of 10 curls, do 2 times on each leg

(hold a lunge with L leg in front, back knee close to ground, 10 bicep curls)

(switch R leg in front, hold back knee close to ground, 10 bicep curls)

(switch and repeat)

Standing One-leg with wide bicep curls - 2 sets of 15 curls, do 2 times on each leg

(balance on R leg with L leg in air, L knee bent, do 15 biceps)

(switch to L leg with R leg in air, R knee bent, do 15 biceps)

(switch and repeat)

Supine chest fly with legs extended - 3 sets of 15

(lie down on ground with feet in air, legs at a 90 degree or with legs out straight at a 45 degree)

(hold legs their keeping core engaged, weighted chest flies 3 sets of 15)

Supine single leg hip extensions - 3 sets of 15

(lie down on ground with R foot down and R knee bent, L leg raised straight up into air)

(cross arms over body so arms are not touching the ground)

(drive R heel into ground raising hips upward, contract butt at the top)

(repeat on L side)

Standing one-legged bent over back rows - 3 set of 10, on each leg

(stand on L leg with R toe down and heel up, next to the L foot)

(weight should be mainly on L side)

(bend over at hips pushing butt back)

(perform 10 back rows on L leg, and 10 on right leg)

(repeat 3 times)

One arm tricep pushups - 3 sets of 10 each side

(lie down on your R side)

(place R arm over your chest and grab L side of ribs, so your R arm is not touching the ground)

(place L arm over R arm and hand on the ground by the outside of R shoulder)

Post your comments!