Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sunday Core and Strength Circuit

(Straight body Push ups)

Do this final exercise on Sunday while everyone is still asleep in bed in their Post-Christmas food comas. You'll feel rejuvenated and refreshed before the week begins!

Let me know how you did! Post your comments :)

Core Workout:
Warm up: walk/jog 10minutes
20 crunches
20 oblique twist L
20 obliques twist R
20 double knee crunches

Low Back:
20 supermans (full body) 30 sec. plank (hold max effort)
20 supermans extending each side, opposite arm/leg 30 sec. plank (hold max effort)

Repeat Abs and Low Back again

Circuit Stations: Total Body Workout
1. (15) squats w/shoulder press (w/weights) and
(15) squats as fast as you can
2. (15) side plank L and (15) side plank R
3. (15) push-ups (15) chest flys
4. (15) supermans (arms only) and (15) supermans (legs only)

Repeat Circuit 3 - 4 times

*Optional: Cardio Interval - walk/jog for 15 - 30 minutes

Cool Down and Stretch 10 min.

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