Thursday, December 23, 2010

Boot Camp "Holiday Hotness" Workout

This workout is compliments of Alyssa Hozack, our awesome Boot Camp Hawaii trainer of Killer Core, Apple Bottom, and 20-20-20 Boot Camp classes! Next to her is Colin Hozack, her hubby.

Holiday Hotness Workout

Total Time: 60 mins.

Materials Needed: dumbbells 8 – 20 lbs.

Warm-Up & Dynamic Stretch: 10 minutes

Round 1: (repeat 3 times total)

1. alternating forward lunges - 15

2. squats - 10

3. step-ups with knee raise – 15 each leg

4. box jumps – 10

Sprint 50 yds or Easy jog 50 yds

Round 2: (repeat 2 times total with weights)

1. alternating forward lunges - 15

2. squats - 10

3. step-ups with knee raise and shoulder press – 15 each leg

4. box jumps – 10 (no weights)

Sprint 50 yds or Easy jog 50 yds

Round 3: (repeat 1 time total with weights)

1. alternating forward lunges - 20

2. squats - 15

3. step-ups with knee raise and shoulder press – 20 each leg

4. box jumps – 15 (no weights)

Sprint 50 yds or Easy jog 50 yds

Cool Down and Stretch

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