Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Boot Camp Workout

(Side knee plank on knees)

Christmas Eve Boot Camp Workout!
December 24, 2010
Total time: 38 minutes (do a pre- or post-jog for 20 minutes and make it an whole hour!)

Part 1: High Intensity Interval
35 seconds work: 10 seconds rest
6 rounds total (18 minutes total)

1. Sumo Squat (hold weights on shoulders)

2. Sumo Push-Ups (straight body or on knees)

3. Jump Lunges (jump and lift arms while in the air)

4. Back Rows (TRX or bent over with free weights)

Part 2: Belly Buster
50 seconds work: 10 seconds rest
5 rounds total (20 minutes total)

1. bicycle crunches

2. side knee plank R & L (straight legs or on knees)

3. alternating toe touches (straight legs or bent knee)

4. double knee crunch


Happy Holidays!

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