Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rainy Day, No Excuses Workout!

Hey Boot Campers!

Well we finally got rained out for the first class of the 2011 year. But, no worries, and absolutely NO EXCUSES! Do we let a little bit of rain deter us from achieving our fabulous fit bodies for 2011? NO!

That's the spirit! I am always ready to train you and give you a workout that makes it worth that car ride over, especially from Salt Lake! You are awesome Jamila! So thanks to Jayson, Amy, Jamila, and Boca Hawaii, we had a fun & fabulous time getting fit this morning indoors. What a nice change of pace.

Blast your Pandora, Radio, CDs, or iPods and do this workout at home! NOW!

"Rainy Day, No Excuses Workout"
(60 minutes)

Materials: medium weights (8-10lbs.), heavy weights (10-15 lbs.), step/curb/bench (optional), stability ball (optional), resistance bands/stretch cords (optional)

- lean with it rock with it (walking side lunges) - 15-20 reps
- push-ups - 10-15 reps
- alternating walking lunges (reach our opposite arm up and stretch) - 15-20 reps
- spiderman crawl (stretch those hip flexors) - 15-20 steps

Segment 1:


Strength: 3 min
- walking lunges with heavy weights (1 min)
- back flys w/medium weights (1 min)
- walking side squats with heavy weights (1 min)

Cardio: 2 min
- 30 sec. side hops on R (use bench for a level change)
- 30 sec. side hops on L (use bench for a level change)
- 1 min. burpees (push-ups optional)

Abs: 1 min
- crunches with arms straight, elbows behind ears (stability ball optional)

* 1 minute rest
Repeat Segment 1 - 2x with 1 minute rest in-between sets

Segment 2:

(Stations - 40 sec. work: 20 sec. rest)

- lateral wood choppers (20 sec. R, 20 sec. L, optional resistance bands or weights)
- plyo-lunges (modification: alternating reverse lunges)
- cross-over push-ups (walk on your hands and feet side to side with push-up in between)
- over-the-top on bench or lateral side jump & drop back leg to side

*Repeat Segment 2 again
1 minute rest

Segment 3:

(Core Work, 1 minute of each exercise)

- ab crunches on stability ball with feet up against a wall, knees and hips at 90 degrees
(or double-knee crunches on floor)
- chest flies with med or heavy weights (lying down or on stability ball)
- suspended crunch or pike on stability ball (or hold plank on hands or forearms)

*Repeat 3 - 2x

See if you're not sweating after this "No Excuses" Workout!
Keep this one on file for another rainy day in Hawaii!

- emily
Boot Camp Hawaii

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