Monday, February 28, 2011

February Student of the Month

Boot Camp Hawaii's Student of the Month
Melody Borboa
February/March 2011

Melody lost an additional 7 inches in her waist, ribcage, and abdomen in 12-weeks!

Congratulations Melody!

“My goal is to graduate from a knee push-up with a full body push-up.”

- Melody

Melody (on left) in 2007

Melody in January 2011

Melody’s Boot Camp Journey:

Q: Tell us about yourself and your past fitness or health journey.

A: Weight management has been a lifelong struggle for me. I’ve tried more diets and exercise regimes than I count with varying levels of success. As a result, I have seen my weight yo-yo up and down through the years with my highest being nearly 300 lbs. In 2007, I made the decision to have weight loss surgery. The surgery gave me the tools to lose a substantial amount of weight, but I soon found myself reaching a plateau and later and more dishearteningly I became to gain some of the weight back. I decided I needed to not only make smarter choices about the way I ate, but to also take my fitness to a new level. Having been overweight all of my life and never having excelled, let alone participated in any sport, I knew it would be quite a challenge to find that inner athlete. Boot Camp Hawaii has been instrumental in helping me learn the fundamentals of physical fitness. I feel myself getting stronger and my endurance increase every week. I still have a ways to go on my journey, but I feel confident that I am on the right track.

Q: What fitness and health results have your experienced so far with Boot Camp Hawaii?

A: Everything in my closet fits again! Yay! I’ve experienced increased strength and energy and overall improved health. By far the most significant change has been an improvement in my blood pressure. Recently, I was able to cut the dosage of my medication in half and hopefully eventually will not need to take anything at all.

Q: How have the nutrition classes benefited you?

A: I’ve learned how healthy food choices can affect your athletic performance and your weigh loss goals. It’s not just about calories in and calories out. I’ve also learned how important it is to food log. I have much better weight loss results when I keep track of what I’m eating.

Q: What would you say to someone who is thinking about the signing up for the 12-week Get Sexy Fitness Challenge?

A: Congratulations on this first big step to a better you! It will be hard and you will be sore, but it will all be worth it!!

- Interview with Melody by Emily Boll

Melody’s 12-week Fitness Challenge Results:

Lost more than 122 pounds since 2007

Lost more than 14 inches in 12-weeks

Lost more than 5 % body fat in 12-weeks

Melody’s Fitness Goals:

Run the Great Aloha Run 2011

Run the Honolulu Marathon 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

VAMPS EYEWEAR - Rockin' Abs Workout!

Video Sponsored by Vamps Eyewear

Aloha Boot Camp Hawaii and Vamps Fans!

Today's Rockin' Abs Workout is inspired and sponsored by Vamps Eyewear! First of all if you want to get into that beach body shape and get rockin' abs this summer, you'd better start on this workout today!

Also, I am doing these exercises in the sun, so what perfect way to protect my eyes and my vision than by putting on a pair of Vamps "Bruja" glasses! I love them so much! They protect my eyes from the intense Hawaii sun. Heck, I even wear them when I am indoors or in the shade. They just feel right on my face. I feel totally protected.

Thank you Vamps! See you in Hawaii again :)
Be sure to post your comments after you do this incredible Rockin' Abs Workout!


Rockin' Abs Workout
Time Frame: 15 - 20 mins.
Instructions: Go through all 4 exercises as 1 round and complete 3-4 rounds total.

V-Sit Ups
*legs straight, arms straight behind head, hinge at your hips
*modified: keeps legs bent, arms down by your sides
do 15-20 reps

Mountain Climbers w/Twist
(no video - it taped upside down!)
*from plank position, alternate knee pulls toward your opposite chest, run hard!
*modified: pull knees directly toward chest w/no twist, moderate speed
do 20 - 30 reps on each side

Russian Twist
*hold a weight or medicine ball, keep back straight, twist chest
*modified: no weights
do 15 - 20 reps each side

Plank with Hop
*plank on forearms, keep body straight, hop side to side
*modified: just hold plank w/o hop
do 20-30 reps (or hold 20-30 sec.)


Video Sponsored by Vamps Eyewear


  • tortoise
  • black
  • transluscent grey (as seen on Emily)
  • polarized
  • lightweight shatterproof polycarbonate
  • full UV protection

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day HIIT & Killer Core Workout!

Happy Heart Day Boot Camp Hawaii! Give yourself the gift of LOVE and HEALTH today! Hope you tried my last workout, the LOVE your BODY workout. If you could handle 30 minutes, then you can handle today's workout. It's more muscular endurance and some HIIT (high intensity interval training). The sets are 50 seconds of all out hard work, but make sure to pace yourself at the same time. These longer interval sets are meant to push your anaerobic threshold to its maximum limit, so that means you'll be burning out for a longer amount of time. Your muscles will feel tight, lean, and strong!

Post your comments on my Facebook page:
or directly to this blog and receive a FREE 5-day Boot Camp pass!


Valentine's Day HIIT & Killer Core Workout!
60 minutes

10 minute warm-up:
20 crunches
40 jumping jacks
20 R obliques
40 high-knee marches or step ups
20 L obliques
40 jumping jacks
20 bicycles
40 high-knee marches or step ups

Time Interval:
50 seconds HIIT
10 seconds rest

beginner - 3 rounds of each set
advance - 4 rounds of each set

Valentine's Set 1:
1. high knees (pull knees up as high as your waist)
2. mountain climbers (keep back straight and hips low)
3. burpees (no push up, jump high!)
4. supermans (arms and legs straight, keep head neutral)

3 minute cardio
staircliming, jumping jacks, jogging, run down your block and run back

Valentine's Set 2:
1. functional squat with weights (hold 1 or 2 weights overhead with straight arms while you squat)
2. L step up with R side knee pull (optional: hold weight overhead in R hand and pull weight down toward R knee)
3. R step up with L side knee pull (optional: hold weight overhead in L hand and pull weight down toward L knee)
4. cross punches, wide leg stance (optional: hold 5-8 lb weights while punching)

3 minute cardio
staircliming, jumping jacks, jogging, run down your block and run back

Cool Down:
Turn on your favorite old school Valentine's jams (see below), and turn the lights down and stretch your beautiful self from head to toe!

For You- Kenny Lattimore
You- Jesse Powell
My Body- LSG
Made to Love You- Gerald Levert
With You- Tony Terry
Fortunate- Maxwell
Happily Ever After- Case
All the Things (Your Man Wont Do)-Joe
I'd Give All Move- Keith Sweat
Slow Dance- Public Announcement
Secret Garden- Barry White, El Debarge, Al B Sure
Sweet Lady- Tyrese

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

30-minute LOVE your BODY Workout

Hey Boot Camp Hawaii!
Emily here. I am giving you a 30-minute Love your Body Workout today.

I know it's almost Valentine's Day, ads for flowers, candies, and cards are everywhere. But, you don't need roses, candy, or even a partner who tells you that you are beautiful. You should give this gift to yourselves, and Love your bodies and yourselves just they way you are! I am reminding myself this everyday. You should too!

Be Healthy, Be Sexy, Be You!

Love your Body Workout

30 minutes

Beginner - Complete 3 rounds of each set (10 minutes/set)
Experienced - Complete 4 rounds of each set (9-10 minutes/set)
Advanced - Complete 5 rounds of each set (9 minutes/set)

Love Set 1:
20 Squat Swings (use heavy 10-15 lbs weights)
10 Decline Push-Ups (modification: straight body or inclined push-ups)

Love Set 2:
20 Power Cleans (10 on R, 10 on L)
10-12 Rear Delt Lifts*
*standing - bend over with flat back and lift straight arms behind your back, you can lie stomach down on a resistance ball too

Love Set 3:
10 Burpees (Squat Thrusts, no push-up)
8-10 Divebombers (modification: Tricep Push Up)

Cool Down:
Turn on some of your favorite slow jams on Pandora or your iPod and dim the lights.
Cool down and stretch your amazing body, head to toe.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Get Sexy Challenge - Sexy Strength & Speed Workout

Hey Ladies and Men out there!

It's time to Be HEALTHY, Be SEXY, and Be YOU this year! I am promoting my next Boot Camp Hawaii Fitness Challenge on Valentine's Day! It's called, "Get Sexy" Challenge 2011! It is a 12-week program that includes unlimited boot camp classes and a handful of awesome nutrition consultations and workshops. You'll lose those last unwanted pounds and feel great as your new-self! Plus you get a sexy cut t-shirt, designed by Nico Designs and Erin Malie Boll, for free if you register early!

Sponsored prizes will be awarded to contestants at the end of the challenge.

So get your booty in gear and prep yourself for this new YOU! I've given you a workout to do on your own at home. Play your favorite sexy tunes and pump it up! Or if you are a beginner, do the first set and then take a break and then to the second set on another day. If you can build up to completing the entire workout in the next 2-3 weeks, you'll know it's time to take on the Get Sexy 12-week Challenge!

Have fun!


Sexy Strength & Speed Workout

Total Time: 40 minutes

Materials Needed: dumbbells 8-15lbs. or more

Warm-Up: 6 minutes

(cycle through 2 minutes of each: jumping jacks, jogging in place, crunches)

Sexy Strength – Set 1 (repeat set 3 times)

1. Squat Swing – 20 reps

2. One-Leg Elevated Push-Ups – 5 reps on each leg

3. Squat Swing – 20 reps

4. Side Plank Lift – 5 reps on each side

5. Squat Swing – 20 reps

6. Turkish Get Up – 3 reps on each side

7. Squat Swing – 20 reps

Killer Speed - Set 2 (repeat 3 times)

1. Mountain Climbers – 45 sec., 15 sec. rest

2. Bicycle Crunches – 45 sec., 15 sec. rest

3. Plank w/Side Knee Pulls – 45 sec, 15 sec. rest

4. Seated Tuck-Ups – 45 sec., 15 sec. rest

Cool Down: 5 minutes of Abs

25 crunches

25 oblique twists R

25 oblique twists L

25 bicycles

Stretch: Choose 4 favorite stretches, hold 15 seconds on each side


Squat Swing 10 – 15 reps

Elevated Push-Ups with 2 legs, or w/o elevation

Side Plank w/o Lift, or on forearm

Turkish Get Up w/lower weight or no weight