Wednesday, February 9, 2011

30-minute LOVE your BODY Workout

Hey Boot Camp Hawaii!
Emily here. I am giving you a 30-minute Love your Body Workout today.

I know it's almost Valentine's Day, ads for flowers, candies, and cards are everywhere. But, you don't need roses, candy, or even a partner who tells you that you are beautiful. You should give this gift to yourselves, and Love your bodies and yourselves just they way you are! I am reminding myself this everyday. You should too!

Be Healthy, Be Sexy, Be You!

Love your Body Workout

30 minutes

Beginner - Complete 3 rounds of each set (10 minutes/set)
Experienced - Complete 4 rounds of each set (9-10 minutes/set)
Advanced - Complete 5 rounds of each set (9 minutes/set)

Love Set 1:
20 Squat Swings (use heavy 10-15 lbs weights)
10 Decline Push-Ups (modification: straight body or inclined push-ups)

Love Set 2:
20 Power Cleans (10 on R, 10 on L)
10-12 Rear Delt Lifts*
*standing - bend over with flat back and lift straight arms behind your back, you can lie stomach down on a resistance ball too

Love Set 3:
10 Burpees (Squat Thrusts, no push-up)
8-10 Divebombers (modification: Tricep Push Up)

Cool Down:
Turn on some of your favorite slow jams on Pandora or your iPod and dim the lights.
Cool down and stretch your amazing body, head to toe.

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