Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Get Sexy Challenge - Sexy Strength & Speed Workout

Hey Ladies and Men out there!

It's time to Be HEALTHY, Be SEXY, and Be YOU this year! I am promoting my next Boot Camp Hawaii Fitness Challenge on Valentine's Day! It's called, "Get Sexy" Challenge 2011! It is a 12-week program that includes unlimited boot camp classes and a handful of awesome nutrition consultations and workshops. You'll lose those last unwanted pounds and feel great as your new-self! Plus you get a sexy cut t-shirt, designed by Nico Designs and Erin Malie Boll, for free if you register early!

Sponsored prizes will be awarded to contestants at the end of the challenge.

So get your booty in gear and prep yourself for this new YOU! I've given you a workout to do on your own at home. Play your favorite sexy tunes and pump it up! Or if you are a beginner, do the first set and then take a break and then to the second set on another day. If you can build up to completing the entire workout in the next 2-3 weeks, you'll know it's time to take on the Get Sexy 12-week Challenge!

Have fun!


Sexy Strength & Speed Workout

Total Time: 40 minutes

Materials Needed: dumbbells 8-15lbs. or more

Warm-Up: 6 minutes

(cycle through 2 minutes of each: jumping jacks, jogging in place, crunches)

Sexy Strength – Set 1 (repeat set 3 times)

1. Squat Swing – 20 reps

2. One-Leg Elevated Push-Ups – 5 reps on each leg

3. Squat Swing – 20 reps

4. Side Plank Lift – 5 reps on each side

5. Squat Swing – 20 reps

6. Turkish Get Up – 3 reps on each side

7. Squat Swing – 20 reps

Killer Speed - Set 2 (repeat 3 times)

1. Mountain Climbers – 45 sec., 15 sec. rest

2. Bicycle Crunches – 45 sec., 15 sec. rest

3. Plank w/Side Knee Pulls – 45 sec, 15 sec. rest

4. Seated Tuck-Ups – 45 sec., 15 sec. rest

Cool Down: 5 minutes of Abs

25 crunches

25 oblique twists R

25 oblique twists L

25 bicycles

Stretch: Choose 4 favorite stretches, hold 15 seconds on each side


Squat Swing 10 – 15 reps

Elevated Push-Ups with 2 legs, or w/o elevation

Side Plank w/o Lift, or on forearm

Turkish Get Up w/lower weight or no weight

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