Saturday, September 4, 2010

Labor Day - 4 fun recipes your friends (and kids) will love!

It's Labor Day Weekend! That means lots of outdoor BBQs, family, friends, beach, cruzin'...Don't worry about counting calories, just enjoy the long weekend. You fully deserve it!

Looking for a different dish to bring to your Labor Day Pot-luck BBQ? Here is a fun and healthy recipe to bring. You're friends and family will be surprised that it's actually healthy too!

Enjoy these dishes, compliments of Tara Danks! She is our BCH amazing Nutritionist, Chef, and Best mom of the year!

Baked Sweet Potato Wedges


2 medium sweet potatoes (also called yams)

olive oil

Dip: Greek yogurt, dill, garlic, diced cucumbers (to taste)

Sweet Potato Wedges (3 – 4 people)

(greek yogurt - find it at Costco!)


preheat oven to 375 degrees

cut potatoes into wedges

place wedges into large bowl and drizzle oil over wedges

using hands, mix oil over wedges

spread out wedges onto baking sheet/pan

place sheet into oven

bake for 15 – 20 mins, flip, bake 15 – 20 mins more

For Dip: mix yogurt, dill, garlic, and diced cucumbers (enough for your liking)

Nacho Cups (baked not fried!)

Wonton Wraps - find these at Don Quiote or local market


Wonton Wraps

Ground chicken breast (1 lb or 20 oz.)

Taco seasoning packets (2)

Guacomole (make your own or buy)

Salsa and fresh diced tomatoes

Greek Yogurt (instead of sour cream!)

Olive oil and salt

cutting wonton wraps


Salt bottom of pan and cook ground meat on top

cut corners off wonton wraps into circles (see picture)

stuff each wrap into mini muffin tins (see picture)

bake nacho cups in oven for 7 mins. (keep watch)

remove nacho cups and spoon meat into cup

spoon favorite ingredients on top

mix yogurt and taco seasoning to make cream topping

Healthy Pizzas

Sara Lee Flat Bread - find it at Costco or local markets

naan bread - find it at Costco!


Naan bread or Sara Lee flat Bread (see picture)

Costco Chicken Fontina Spinach Sausage (precooked, grill and slice)

George Forman Grill

Hormel Turkey pepperoni (find at local market or Don Quiote)

Jones Canadian Bacon (cut into bite sized)

Contadina Tomato Sauce, Extra Thick and Zesty (good for pizza)

Shredded Mozzarella cheese

Fresh basil leaves


Preheat oven to 375 degrees

lay out breads onto baking pan as crusts

spoon sauce and spread onto each crust

layer favorite ingredients onto each crust

bake pizzas in oven for 5 – 7 minutes

Turkey Sliders w/o the Bun

(Sorry, no pictures of the final product! They will be gone before you know it!)


2 cups diced veggies: sweet peppers, carrots, portabella mushrooms, granny smith apples

1 tbs. Mango Chutney (see picture)

oil spray

ground turkey (1 lb/20 oz.)

Triscuit crackers – reduced fat (blend 5-6 crackers for bread crumbs)

George Forman Grill

Hand mixer or blender

process Triscuts in a processor, hand mixer, or Magic Bullet - so easy!

burger mixed with Mango Chutney


Mix veggies with 1 tbs. of mango chutney

sautee veggies with oil spray

blend crackers until fine (see picture)

mix sautéed veggies, with meat, and crumbs

make 2-3 oz small patties

grill patties on the George Forman Grill or on pan w/oil spray

Have a great Labor Day weekend! You deserve a break!

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