Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pre- or Post-Labor Day Workout

Are you the type to workout before you go to a pot-luck, or are you the type who says, "I'm going to have to work out after I eat this!" Either way, do this Pre- or Post-Labor Day Workout and feel great about yourself!
Pre- or Post-Labor Day Workout

Total Time: 25 minutes
Materials: heavy weight (12 - 20 pound single weight)

Part I: Cardio Interval - 25 sec./5 sec. x 3 intervals

1. Squat with Arm Swing (Tip: swing weight inbetween your legs as you squat down, swing arm straight up to shoulder height, repeat)
2. push-up with alternating leg raise
3. Squat with Arm Swing
4. Kick-ups
5. Squat with Arm Swing
6. Burpees w/ or w/o push-ups

Part II: Abs Attack - 25 sec./5 sec. x 4 intervals

1. penguins
2. alternating V-Ups
3. Side Oblique Raises on R
4. Side Oblique Raises on L

Cool Down & Stretch

Post your comments after this workout!

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