Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Metabolic Workout - September 1

(Supermans shown above)

Metabolic Workout

Total Time: 30 minutes
Materials Needs: 8-12 lbs. Weights, bench or chair

Warm up (20 squats, 20 sit ups, 20 supermans, 20 push-ups)

Sprint 15 yard and Back (or high knees for 20 seconds)
20 sec squat jumps
Sprint 15 yard and back
20 sec pushups
Sprint 15 yard and back
20 sec Supermans

Repeat above for a total of 4 rounds
1 min rest

Sprint 15 yard and back (or high knees for 20 seconds)
20 sec bench dips
Sprint 15 yard and back
20 sec inverted row
Sprint 15 yard and back
20 sec lunges

Repeat above for a total of 4 rounds
1 min rest

Sprint 15 yard and back (or high knees for 20 seconds)
20 sec V ups
Sprint 15 yard and back
20 sec burpee
Sprint 15 yard and back
20 sec squat press

Repeat above for a total of 4 rounds
1 min rest

Take a rest between each round instead of at the very end of the interval. Use your discretion on the amount of time. Try to rest for only 20-30 seconds, and then start at the top again!

Emily's Comments: You are going to feel like this isn't much of a workout for the first interval. You may even think, "I am wasting my time." But, soon you'll find yourself dripping so much sweat and toxins out that you're going to want to wipe the floor off in between exercises! However, don't! Just keep going!

Tips: It's best if you have a stop watch with and interval timer option. Set your watch for 20 seconds and 5 seconds. This way you can charge it for the full 20 seconds and then you get 5 seconds to quickly transition.

Have fun!

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